Wednesday 12 June 2013

Wed. 12th June.

Tuesday 11th June. 80 miles from Pueblo to Guffey.

     I started early to avoid the heat, working my way up through the base of the Rockies. I had planned to camp at Royal George, known for a famous suspension bridge over the gorge. To that end I left the tourist trap of Canon City and started a 7 mile climb. As I progressed I was overtaken by fire engines, sherriffs' cars and the like.  By the time I reached the campsite I had expected to stay in, I could see lots of smoke and the fire was 5 miles away on the other side of the canyon. I could go back or go on, so I went on working my way uphill for a further 20 miles!  I had to flag down an RV for water. They were towing their car. The road I had passed was now closed and the area being evacuated. It was a long and hot day!

Wed 12th 42 miles to Fairplay
   A great cycle.Went over Current Creek pass 9404 ft. high (but had done most of the climb yesterday) Then cycling through alpine style country. There are trees, the creeks have water in them and I have seen wild deer. Also had a great breakfast at Hartsel en route: 2 eggs (cooked over medium) biscuit (which is a scone), venison sausage and toast.
        Will have to find somewhere to stay here, before the biggest climb of the trip ((Hoosier Pass tomorrow) The scenery is stunning and the mountains are covered in snow.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you made it through. We got stuck in Canon City as the 50 was shut. It may be shut for several days so this morning a very kind man with a pick up truck drove us 57 miles on the hair raising shelf dirt road to Guffey
